Cards and Albums for sale

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

sc269 wed sketch

Today is sketch day over on splitcoast stampers and always looked thru the sketch gallery for that weeks sketch to see if i can find some inspiratiion and to praise my fellow cardmakers. I came across a stunning card and i had to case it. So the card i cased is here
This is my interpation of that card. I used cuttlebug swiss dots folder, nestablities butterflies and martha stewart butterflies. I added a gina k sentiment some crystals and that about it. I love how it turned out. I don;t think it as stunning as the orginal. Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

some random cards

Here are some cards that i whipped up last
night during my scrap night at my friends house. The first card showcases two of my favorite unity stamps. I saw an adorable card by maren bendict in the paper crafts issue jan/feb 2010. I not sure i did her work justice but i like the look of what i came up with.

On this card i am still playing with the gina k baby set.

On this last card i won a stamp of my choice from artful inkables and i choose the twilight inspired set into the moonlight. Hope you have a great day.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

sugar bowl challenge 29

I rec'd some sugar nellie daisy images from wish rak so i decided to hop on over and check out the sugar nellie challenge. Its a sketch challenge and you also had to include 3 flowers, 2 brads and one button. I colored daisy up with copics. If you want to try out the sugar bowl skech hop on over to the sugar bowl right here. Have a great day and i love to know what you think of my first sugar nellie card.

ginak challenges

Gina K designs just had the february release and i orderd two sets. The beatiful butterfly you saw yesterday and the new oh baby set. I entered these two cards in a couple of challengs on the stamp tv site. The first is an inspire challenge to make a card showing off your crafting style. I think my crafty style is use as much as i can and i usually find someone project and that usually jump starts my mojo.

The other challenge i entered is a sketch challenge. I used some baby boy background paper and the new oh baby set. If you want to join in hop on over to and check out the challengs and you can use any stamps you have.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gina K hope for hati butterfly set.

I a butterfly gal i have shirts, stamps, even my scrap room door is covered in butterflies. So when gina k started to show off her snippets for her feb release i was all ready to order this set. It a great set with a very simple butterfly and one sentiment. The other cool thing about this set is 2.00 of the stamp sale goes to hati. Now i like when i get something scrappy and help others at the same time. My card is a total case of one the dt memebers cards that was shown during the release so if you want to be inspired like me stop by the gina k gallery at splitcoast or head on over to stamp tv. Have a great day.

word verfication on

I am sorry to those who love to leave comments and hate the word verfication but i gotten some spammer commenting lately so i had to turn on the word verfication in hopes that i only get comments i actually want to read. Thanks to my followers for leaving such sweet comments. I have gotten some new stamp sets from gina k in the mail and i hope to get my new nesties today. I also got a wish rak image from sugar nellie yesterday so stayed tuned i should have something scrappy up today. The last couple of days have been a bit busy but things are back to normal today. See ya soon.

Friday, February 12, 2010

just magnolia #42 love

This is a late in the day post for me but some craft days are like that it takes a while to get the mojo flowing. Also my son has a 4 day weekend from school so i had to play mommy role today. I did get a challenge card done to show you. I decided to particpate in the just magnolia challenge. I only own one magnolia stamp and it was perfect for the love challenge. I used my cricut to make the heart border on the bottom. Hope you like it. If you want to join in this challenge click here

Thursday, February 11, 2010

copic color challenge #51 red, pink, blue

Over on the copic color challenge blog your given 3 colors and your to use either the exact colors listed or the closest copic colors that you own. As long as you use your copic markers. I choose to use the new elisabeth bell digital stamp tasty read. So cute and fun to color. I hope you enjoy my card. The pattern paper i used is from dcwv garen party. To get all the info on this challenge head here
Hope your inspired to create something.

fbw #96 love

The challenge for flutter by wednesday this week is love and to remember of course to use a fairy, angel or butterfly. I love the paper make up fairies so i inked up my favorite rose. I love the way she looks like she got the best gift from her sweetie a single rose. Of course my middle name is rose to. I used some basic grey papers, my copics and i used some gold stickles on her wings. If you like to join in this week challenge you can find all the info here Have a great day.

Generous blog candy time

Want to grow your collection of Paper make up stamps then you need to hop over to my dear friend Shaela new blog. She just started up her creative blog where you can see all her awesome cards and projects. To celebrate she is giving away a 25.00 Paper Make up gift certficate. Head on over and leave her some love. You can find her here

Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

red, black and white all over

Dustin pike challenge this week is a color challenge. You need to use a digital dustin pike image and the colors, black, red, and white. I used brown and oragne to but i just could not color this guy black. So he shoes and scare are the right colors and then i added in white black and red in my papers. If you want to join in hop over to the dustin pike challenge blog here. Have a great day.

whiff of joy challenge #66 sketch

The challenge this week on the whiff of joy challenge blog is a sketch challenge. I really in the mood for spring so i colored willow up with yellow and greens to go with some of my basic grey orgins paper. The sentiment is from unity stamps. If you want to join in the challenge check it out here.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Roses on paper color challenge

I am always looking for new challenges to help me use my stamps. I was on the bells and whistles blog and they are doing a combined challenge with the roses on paper challenge blog. The challenge is to use pink, brown and cream. I struggled with this one and i am still not really sure i pulled it off. I also decided to pull out my water color pencils for this challenge figured i could pull of the creamy brown look better. Let me know what you think. If you want to join in on the fun there a few different companies images that qualify for the challenge. Find all the info here. Have a great day.

TSG Pink, Brown, Red

I recently discovered a neat stamp company called There She Goes and they do clear stamps. I partcipated in the latest release blog hop and was the fortunate winner of there newest release stamp set chemistry. I stopped by the TSG blog to see if they do challenges. Of course they do so i inked up my new chemistry set and partcipated in the challenge. The challenge is to use pink, brown and red. To enter your card for the challenge stop by this post on the TSG blog.

Monday, February 8, 2010

almost 6 layout

This is the final layout for my sons 5 year old album. I wanted to do a page that shows how my son has grown from being a baby faced 4 year old to a young boy of almost 6. i dressed it up a bit with some cute boy paper dolls. Added some quotes and a bit of journaling.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friend Card with a fairy of course

Its been icky rainy around this side of washington state for days now. I keep thinking where my sun shine. I decided to make a cheery yellow card today. Yellow is my favorite color. I really like the black and cream colors of the pattern paper from dcwv lacreme stack. I colored ashlie in from paper make up stamps and paired her with my all time favorite sentiment from pms. I added some orange in just to play up the warm colors a bit. Hope she makes you feel a little warmer in your part of the world.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

whiff of joy love challenge

This week challenge on the whiff of joy challenge blog which is here
Is to make a love card. Now i only one image and that one i got on wish rak so i had to get creative bu i think i pulled off the feeling of love.
I used bo bunny paper, colored willow with copics and paired her with a sentiment from unity. Hope you like her.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I stamped this fairy last night cause i wanted to make a card with her but i was not sure what i was going to do with her. Well Paper Make up is having a challenge to make a card with your favorite fairy. I of course like several of my fellow pms fans have lots of fairies i love. This one is no exception i love to read and i think that having an imagination is a great quality.

Today is also card sketch wednesday on scs and its also flutter by wednesday which is an open challenge where you just have a fairy or butterfly. So this card is getting entered into a few challenges. I also choose to enter this into to the quixotic challenge over on there challenge site. The theme is i belive in fairies. You can check it out here Hope you enjoy stopping by today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

copic feather blending

Blog hoping around today i found a new to me challenge site called copic creations. Link is here
The site challenges you to use your copic markers in new ways. This week challenge is to do feather blending which is taking two different colors from different color families and blending them together. I did this technique on the umbrella and the fairies boots. I think i pulled it fairly well for my first try. Let me know what you think.

Card info Image colored with copics
Card base cut with cricut using graphically speaking. (leave me a comment if you want to know how i did this)
Paper is basic grey wisteria
Sentiment and Fairy are Paper makeup
Used nestablties circle and scallop

stamping botique medieval collection

I was the lucky winner of the stamping botique medieval collection of rubber stamps. I decied i needed to ink up these adorable stamps. I choose the mom and baby dragon my favorite out of the release. I colored the image with copic markers.